
Data protection

The use of this site and the placement of applications on it implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions set out expressly and exclusively on the website SC EUROLASER S.R.L. may change these provisions at any time, without prior notice. The latest version can be found online only by accessing the page “Terms and conditions” displayed on the website

This section represents the contractual legal regulation of the relationship between the parties (trader and consumer). According to art. 1270 of the New Civil Code, the valid contract concluded has the power of law between the contracting parties.

Visitors will have permanent access to the Terms and Conditions for using the site in order to consult them at any time.

The normative framework

Website owned by S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L. is subject to the Romanian legislation in force, the relationship between the parties being governed by the following normative acts:

OG no. 21/1992 regarding consumer protection;

GEO no. 34/2014 regarding the rights of consumers in the contracts concluded with the professionals;

Law no. 363/2007 regarding combating the incorrect practices of the traders in the relation with the consumers and the harmonization of the regulations with the European legislation regarding the consumer protection;

Law 365/2002 on electronic commerce.

 Information regarding the owner and the administrator

The website is owned and managed directly by EUROLASER SRL and has its registered office at the address: Sos. Bucurestiului no. 26 B, Ciorogarla, Ilfov.

The registration number at the Bucharest Trade Register is J23 / 62/2012

The unique registration code is RO 29531647

The site sells products only in Romania.

S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L. performs the activity of presenting the services exclusively through the, being the only online property that it owns and through which it performs acts of trade and presentation of the services. Any other associations or the lawless presentation of company data does not in any way employ S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L. vis-à-vis any natural or legal person.

Acceptance of the conditions of use

The use of the website, the logging in and access to the services offered represent an acceptance by the consumer of the terms and conditions detailed below, with all the consequences arising from their acceptance.

If the consumer agrees to these conditions, we ask that you refuse to use our website or place an order. SC EUROLASER S.R.L. reserves the right to update and / or revise the Terms and Conditions displayed on the website at any time without prior notice. Having this argument at the base, we ask consumers to periodically follow up any changes, at least before placing an order. A main cause of the possible changes is that of the constant updating of the national legislation incident to the online commerce and the processing of personal data.

  1. Copyright

The information published on the website belongs to S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L., therefore, this information cannot be published, transmitted, copied by any method without the prior written consent of the legal representative of S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L. who manages the site.

Failure to comply with these conditions is punished according to the law Law no. 8/1996 regarding the copyright and related rights in force. Any copyright infringement can be notified to the email address

  1. The conclusion of the contract

With the registration of an order on the website, the buyer agrees to the communication method used by the company EUROLASER SRL, respectively by phone or email.

The conclusion of the contract takes place only at the moment of issuing the fiscal invoice and not when the order is issued or the automatic confirmation of receipt of this order is issued. The automatic issue of the confirmation of receipt of the order is NOT equivalent to the conclusion of the contract between the seller and the buyer.

After placing the order, for justified reasons, the seller reserves the right to cancel the order of the consumer / buyer, without prior notification, and he will receive back the money collected by the company EUROLASER SRL, within 10 working days. At the same time, we reserve the right to change the quantity of the products from the order, depending on their availability in stock.



The offers and prices displayed on the website are valid as long as they remain active (visible) online. Prices may vary depending on the commercial policy of S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L.

The products can be delivered within a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 30 days, since all the details of the order (payment method, payment term, delivery address) have been validated. All the information / modalities used to describe the goods on the site is not a contractual obligation on the part of S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L., these being used exclusively for presentation, delivery, stocks or prices.

The products are available within the limit of the stock.

Limitation of liability


We reiterate that the company S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L. realizes the activity of online commerce exclusively through the website, being the only online property that it owns and through which it carries out acts of trade. Any other associations or the lawless presentation of company data does not in any way employ S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L. vis-à-vis any natural or legal person.

We do not accept responsibility for the modification, suspension or discontinuation of the site, in whole or in part.

  1. Cancel the order

EUROLASER SRL assumes no responsibility for printing or display mistakes regarding the prices, features or images of the products.

In the event that an order cannot be honored due to such errors, EUROLASER SRL reserves the right to cancel the order without prior notification.

SC EUROLASER S.R.L. makes every effort to provide accurate information about the price and characteristics of the products. Some prices may be wrong.

SC EUROLASER S.R.L. reserves the right to cancel the order, without any subsequent obligation of one party to the other or without any party being able to claim the other damages, in the following situations:

the prices displayed on the website are the result of a material error;

the services are no longer in the range provided by EUROLASER S.R.L .;

the data provided by the Buyer are incomplete and / or incorrect;

The buyer does not agree with the mode of transport made available by S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L.

Protection of personal data

According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of the persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data, modified and completed and of Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of private life in the electronic communications sector, the website administered by S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L., has the obligation to administer, in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that the consumer provides online or by telephone.

The purpose of collecting personal data is to use them for billing ordered products

The consumer is obliged to provide the actual data, which is necessary to create the invoice for the ordered products, according to the Fiscal Code. The refusal of data transmission or the provision of wrong data determines the right of S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L. to cancel the order, being considered fictitious.

The registered information is intended for use by the operator for the purpose of delivering the products and is communicated only by the consumer who places an order on the website According to the Law no. 677/2001, the consumer benefits from the right of access, of intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to address the justice. At the same time, the consumer has the right to oppose the processing of personal data concerning him and to request the deletion of the data. If some of the data transmitted is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible. In order to exercise these rights, you can send a written request to



Any dispute arising from the use of this site will be resolved amicably.

If the amicable solution is not possible, alternatively, according to art. 25 of the GO no. 28/2015 regarding the alternative settlement of disputes between consumers and traders, which transposes the provisions of Regulation 524/2013 regarding the online settlement of consumer disputes, you can address to a SAL entity in Romania.

For any problem arising in relation to S.C. EUROLASER S.R.L., we are pleased to be available, on the phone 021 311 55 34 and at the email address

The continuation of your action implies the agreement with these Terms and Conditions. 


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